Showing 1 - 25 of 155 Results
Elegiac Stanzas on the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781241032548 List Price: $14.75
History of Charles the Great and Orlando by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781178493498 List Price: $32.75
History of Charles the Great and Orlando by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781173541934 List Price: $36.75
Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada, and the Twelve Peers of France by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781175406682 List Price: $24.75
History of Charles the Great and Orlando by Pseudo-Turpin, Pseudo-Turpi... ISBN: 9781176674233 List Price: $32.75
Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Collection of Manuscripts in All Languages, Formed b... by Rodd, Thomas, & Co., Sotheby ISBN: 9781176246669 List Price: $19.75
History of Charles the Great and Orlando V1 : Ascribed to Archbishop Turpin (1812) by Rodd, Thomas Jr., Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781165489138 List Price: $25.56
History of Charles the Great and Orlando by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781178493047 List Price: $32.75
Zuma, a Tragedy, from the French of Monsieur le Fevre, Translated by Thomas Rodd by Lefèvre, Pierre-François-Al... ISBN: 9781140895978 List Price: $17.75
Civil Wars of Granad : And the History of the Factions of the Zegries and Abencerrages (1803) by Abenhamin, Hita, Ginés Pére... ISBN: 9781167135644 List Price: $42.36
Catalogue of Books in Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Canon Law : With an Appendix of ... by Rodd, Thomas Jr., Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781164597377 List Price: $21.56
Catalogue of Books for the Year 1834, on Sale at the Prices Affixed, by Thomas Rodd by Thomas Rodd, Thomas Rodd ISBN: 9781164597346 List Price: $39.96
Catalogue of Books For 1 : Containing Theology and Ecclesiastical History, Metaphysics, Mora... by Thomas Rodd, Thomas Rodd ISBN: 9781164597339 List Price: $35.96
History of Charles the Great and Orlando, Volume 2 by Thomas Rodd Jr., Pseudo-Tur... ISBN: 9781355995654 List Price: $26.95
Ancient Spanish Ballads, Relating to the Twelve Peers of France, Mentioned in Don Quixote, w... by Rodd, Thomas, De Tortajada,... ISBN: 9781145091160 List Price: $32.75
Catalogue of Books ... by Rodd, Thomas Jr., Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781145543560 List Price: $37.75
History of Charles the Great and Orlando, by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781145926608 List Price: $33.75
The Civil Wars Of Granada: And The History Of The Factions Of The Zegries And Abencerrages (... by Abenhamin, Hita, Ginés Pére... ISBN: 9781120753540 List Price: $37.95
Ancient Ballads From the Civil Wars of Granada, and the Twelve Peers of France by Rodd, Thomas ISBN: 9781153252607 List Price: $20.00
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